Support the Hull DTC in whatever way you can.

Custom Dems Mask

Stay safe and stylish, with a message. 2-layer cotton masks have Democratic symbols on one side and blue waves on the other. Fill out this form or email to request.

A suggested donation of $10 per mask to the Hull DTC will be put to good use. Thanks to Lisa for the beautiful sewing!

BLM Lawn Sign

After the ruling that firing into a wall was criminal but killing Breonna Taylor was not, Black Lives Matter signs are more needed than ever. We’ve delivered over 100 in Hull, raising $285 for One Square World, the tax-exempt 501c3 fiscal sponsor of Black Lives Matter BostonRequest one free of charge

Donate to the Hull DTC

Your donation goes towards our educational forums on local issues, and campaigns committed to providing equal access to opportunity, security, and inclusion at every stage of life and in every line of work. Please review our Contribution Rules and make your payment using our secure link.

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